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Massive growth in Coomera and Pimpama is being recognised by local council, and it’s great news for homeowners and investors!

By Rachel Devery

The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released figures on population changes in Queensland between 2011 and 2021, and they show that the States holiday hotspot, the Gold Coast, saw the biggest growth for the State.

The data revealed that the suburb of Coomera saw the biggest growth, with 11,500 extra residents settling into the area, while Pimpama had the highest rate of expansion at 600 per cent. The data renders a true reflection of the real estate boom that has occurred in the suburbs over the last two years.

The massive growth has seen residents calling for additional public transport services to ensure that the entire area is being serviced, and that there is plenty of room on buses for all who require passage.

After years of lobbying for the State to address public transport, last year Council agreed to jointly fund improved transport services to deliver more frequent buses and extended running hours for growing communities on the northern Gold Coast. Mayor, Tom Tate said that the plan will see an extra 100 services a day, covering areas north of the Coomera River.

‘We have a population explosion up north, and they deserve a reliable public transport network that links them to the heavy rail’ said The Mayor, ‘These services will deliver that’.

From Monday 13th February, residents will have access to more frequent bus services, and expanded routes, and running hours on weekdays and weekends. The changes will occur on routes 721, 722 and 726. Deputy Mayor Donna Gates has advised residents to keep a look out for the new bus stops that will pop up over the next month as a part of the expansion plan. The improvements are being introduced on a trial basis until June 2026, and key to the success of the trial is strong passenger numbers.

‘This is a trial’, Ms Gates said, ‘If we want to keep the services running, we need to see good passenger numbers. Jump online, locate your new nearest stop, and take the bus’, she said.

The expansion is great news for homeowners and property investors, as improved transportation services means improved value for the suburbs. If you would like more information on property values in the area, please reach out to our knowledgeable team.

For information on the local bus services in your area, visit

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