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Coomera Connector Stage 1 North

By Brianna Fullick

Coomera Connector: A New Artery for the Northern Gold Coast

The northern Gold Coast is set to experience a significant transformation with the advent of the Coomera Connector, a major infrastructure project designed to alleviate traffic congestion and enhance connectivity across the region. With a substantial joint investment of $3.026 billion from the Australian and Queensland governments, this ambitious project marks a critical step forward in addressing the transportation needs of one of Australia’s fastest-growing areas.

Project Overview

Stage 1 of the Coomera Connector, spanning approximately 16 kilometres from Coomera to Nerang, is the project’s priority section. This stretch aims to provide a much-needed alternative route for local traffic, thereby reducing the growing congestion on the M1. This route includes new crossings over the Coomera and Nerang rivers, which are expected to deliver substantial benefits to the burgeoning communities and commercial hubs in Helensvale and Coomera.

Segmentation of Stage 1

The development of Stage 1 is divided into three major segments to streamline the construction process and manage traffic flow effectively during the project’s progression:

  • Stage 1 North: Extending from Shipper Drive in Coomera to Helensvale Road in Helensvale.
  • Stage 1 Central: Stretching from Helensvale Road to the Smith Street Motorway in Molendinar.
  • Stage 1 South: Covering the distance from the Smith Street Motorway to Nerang-Broadbeach Road in Nerang.

Initially, the Coomera Connector will feature four lanes to cater to medium-term traffic demands. However, the design includes provisions for future expansion to six lanes, ensuring that the route can accommodate increasing traffic volumes with minimal disruptions to nearby residents and travellers.

Key Features and Benefits

The Coomera Connector is more than just a road; it represents a strategic investment in the future of the Gold Coast’s transportation infrastructure. Here are some of the key features and benefits of this landmark project:

Alleviating M1 Pressure

One of the primary objectives of the Coomera Connector is to reduce the heavy congestion currently plaguing the M1. By providing an alternative route for local traffic, the project aims to divert a significant portion of vehicles from the M1, thereby easing the pressure on this critical motorway. The addition of new river crossings will further facilitate smoother traffic flow, reducing bottlenecks and improving overall roadway efficiency.

Enhanced Accessibility

The northern Gold Coast is home to rapidly growing communities and commercial areas, and the Coomera Connector is poised to significantly improve accessibility across this region. Enhanced connections between Coomera, Helensvale, Molendinar, and Nerang will provide residents and businesses with more efficient transport options, fostering economic growth and community development.

More Reliable Travel Times

With the Coomera Connector reducing the number of local trips on the M1, travellers can expect more consistent and reliable travel times between Brisbane and the Gold Coast. This improvement is particularly valuable for commuters and freight operators who rely on predictable travel schedules to manage their daily routines and business operations effectively.

Increased Safety

Safety is a paramount concern in any transportation project, and the Coomera Connector is no exception. By alleviating congestion and reducing queuing at key interchanges, the project will enhance safety for all road users. Fewer traffic jams and smoother traffic flows mean a lower likelihood of accidents, contributing to a safer driving environment on both the M1 and the new connector route.

Community and Economic Impact

The Coomera Connector is expected to have far-reaching impacts on the local communities and the broader economy of the Gold Coast. Here are some of the anticipated effects:

Boosting Local Economy

The improved transport infrastructure will make the northern Gold Coast more attractive to businesses, potentially leading to increased investments and the creation of new jobs. Enhanced accessibility and reduced travel times will benefit local businesses by facilitating smoother logistics and expanding their customer base.

Supporting Population Growth

The Gold Coast is one of Australia’s fastest-growing regions, and the Coomera Connector is designed to support this population growth by providing the necessary infrastructure to handle increased traffic volumes. The project will help accommodate the needs of new residents and ensure that the region’s transportation network remains robust and efficient.

Environmental Considerations

In addition to its economic and social benefits, the Coomera Connector project is also committed to minimising its environmental impact. By reducing congestion and promoting more efficient traffic flows, the project aims to lower vehicle emissions and contribute to a cleaner environment. The inclusion of new river crossings is being carefully managed to protect local ecosystems and wildlife habitats.

Real Estate Impact

The Coomera Connector is set to have a profound impact on the real estate market, particularly in Coomera and surrounding areas. Improved infrastructure and reduced congestion are key factors that attract real estate investors and homebuyers alike.

Rising Real Estate Prices

As accessibility improves and travel times decrease, properties in Coomera and the northern Gold Coast are expected to see a significant increase in value. The enhanced transport links will make these neighbourhoods more desirable for both residential and commercial investments, leading to a potential surge in real estate prices.

Expert Insights

Peter Catanzariti, Director at Ray White CFG, emphasises the positive impact the Coomera Connector will have on the real estate market in the region. “The Coomera Connector will ease congestion significantly, making daily commutes much more manageable. This infrastructure development is not just about immediate relief but also about the long-term viability of Coomera and surrounding areas. Improved transport links invariably lead to increased demand for real estate, which bodes well for property values in the Northern Gold Coast,” says Catanzariti.

Boost for Coomera Real Estate

The Coomera real estate market, already experiencing growth due to the area’s rapid development, is poised to benefit immensely from the Coomera Connector. Improved connectivity to key commercial hubs and reduced travel times will make Coomera an even more attractive destination for families, professionals, and businesses.

Real estate agencies, such as Ray White CFG, anticipate a rise in both residential and commercial property transactions as the project progresses. Enhanced infrastructure is likely to draw more investors looking for promising returns in a burgeoning market.

Project Timeline and Future Developments

The Coomera Connector is a multi-stage project with a phased approach to construction. Here is an overview of the anticipated timeline and future developments:

Current Progress

As of mid-2024, preliminary works for Stage 1, including site investigations and environmental assessments, are well underway. The project team is also engaging with local communities and stakeholders to gather feedback and ensure that the project meets the needs of all affected parties.

Future Stages

Following the completion of Stage 1, subsequent stages will be planned and executed to extend the Coomera Connector further, ultimately providing a comprehensive alternative route parallel to the M1. Each stage will be carefully designed to integrate seamlessly with existing infrastructure, minimize disruptions, and maximize benefits for the community.

Community Engagement

Community involvement is a cornerstone of the Coomera Connector project. Regular updates and consultations are conducted to keep residents informed and address any concerns. Public feedback is integral to shaping the project’s development, ensuring it aligns with the community’s needs and aspirations.

Public Information Sessions

The project team has organised several public information sessions to discuss the project’s progress, benefits, and potential impacts. These sessions provide a platform for residents to voice their opinions and receive detailed information about the construction phases and timelines.

Environmental Stewardship

Environmental assessments are a critical component of the Coomera Connector project. The team is committed to protecting local ecosystems and minimizing environmental disruption. Measures include careful planning of river crossings and implementation of green construction practices to reduce the project’s carbon footprint.


The Coomera Connector represents a transformative development for the northern Gold Coast. By providing a much-needed alternative route to the heavily congested M1, it promises to enhance accessibility, improve safety, and offer more reliable travel times. The project’s positive impact on the local economy, population growth, and real estate market underscores its significance.

With substantial investments and a phased approach to construction, the Coomera Connector is set to become a vital artery supporting the region’s growth and prosperity. As the project progresses, the community’s engagement and feedback will continue to play a crucial role in shaping its success, ensuring that this landmark infrastructure development meets the needs of today and the future.

For residents, businesses, and investors alike, the Coomera Connector is more than just a road—it’s a pathway to a more connected, efficient, and vibrant northern Gold Coast.

Community Feedback

To gather insights on how the community is reacting to this development, Peter Catanzariti, the director of Ray White CFG spoke with Brodie Wales from Ray White CFG, a leading real estate agent in Coomera and an expert in the northern Gold Coast real estate market.

Peter Catanzariti: “Brodie, what has the community’s response been to the Coomera Connector project?”

Brodie Wales: “The feedback has been quite mixed. Many people are supportive because they’re eager to see relief from the heavy congestion, especially on Foxwell Road. However, there are concerns about the impact during the construction phase.”

Peter Catanzariti: “What are some specific concerns the community has raised?”

Brodie Wales: “The main issue is the disruption that will occur during construction. This is a significant project that will take time to complete, leading to noise, traffic diversions, and general inconvenience for local residents and businesses.”

Peter Catanzariti: “Given these potential disruptions, how do you think the Coomera Connector is currently affecting property prices in the area, and what do you foresee for the future?”

Brodie Wales: “At the moment, the impact on property prices has been minimal. However, looking ahead, I expect property values to rise as the improved accessibility will make it much easier and quicker to reach both the northern and southern Gold Coast. This enhanced connectivity will likely make Coomera even more attractive to potential buyers and investors.”

Peter Catanzariti: “Improved infrastructure usually leads to higher property values. And Coomera isn’t just seeing the Coomera Connector development, right?”

Brodie Wales: “Correct. Alongside the Coomera Connector, the new Coomera Hospital is also under construction. These developments are set to significantly enhance Coomera’s infrastructure and services, transforming it into a key hub in the northern Gold Coast real estate landscape.”

Peter Catanzariti: “Exciting times indeed for Coomera real estate. Despite the temporary challenges, it sounds like the Coomera Connector will bring long-term benefits to the community.”

Brodie Wales: “Absolutely. Balancing short-term impacts with long-term gains is crucial, and I believe the Coomera Connector will ultimately be a significant asset for our region.”

If you want to read more about the Coomera Connector development, click here.

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