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What a difference 12 months makes! We look back on 2022 at the Ray White Catanzariti Family Group!

By Rachel Devery

While it was the year that saw a slight dip in the national real estate market, the northern Gold Coast Boomed, and it was the year that the Ray White Catanzariti Family Group had their best results ever!

It was a ride to remember on the northern Gold Coast in 2022. The year that saw, among many things, a true return to the normalcy that once made our city so special. The flurry of excited holiday makers and the subsequent bump for our local economy; the return of the glitter strip’s trademark events, including The Blues Festival in Broadbeach, The GC 600 in Surfers Paradise, and the Swell Art Festival on the shores of beautiful Currumbin Beach. The employment rate went back up, and the hospitality industry thrived with the launching of a number of new restaurants and bars; all swarming with happy locals who wiped the dust off of their favourite pair of shoes and got stuck back into everything that our fabulous Gold Coast lifestyle has to offer. Along for the ride in 2022 on the Northern Gold Coast was the Ray White Catanzariti Family Group, who’s sales and property management teams enjoyed not just the return to normalcy but had their very best year in real estate to date!

It was, indeed, a bumpy ride for the market in 2022; most notably marked by consecutive interest rate hikes for Australian homeowners. Official cash rates rose from 0.1% in April and continued to do so, ending the year at a rate of 3.1 per cent—the highest it has been in a decade . According to Dr Nicola Powell, Domain’s chief of economics, ‘it was inevitable that we would see a dip in the property market in 2022, after soaring price growth in 2021, and the interest rates rises have certainly had an impact ’.

In 2021, national property prices increased by 22.8%—fast forward to the end of 2022 and they had dropped down by 5.3% nationally, including across capital cities . According to Corelogic, ‘compared to 2021’s property market, which saw some of the strongest annual sales turnover, 2022 is a showcase for the most resilient agencies as they navigated one of Australia’s fastest interest rate tightening cycles in history’ . While many agencies were indeed resilient, The Ray White Catanzariti Family Group were brilliant, racking up some of the best results in the Sunshine State.

According to, 479 properties were sold in Upper Coomera in 2022 ; The Ray White Catanzariti Family Group dominated in the suburb by securing a whopping 45% of the market share of the sales for the year.

‘2022 was a phenomenal record-breaking year for myself and my team! We appreciate every single person in the industry who we have worked with.’, Brad Wilson, Upper Coomera’s number one selling agent.

Coomera saw a total of 395 sales for the year , and Pimpama a total of 483 ; again, The Group conquered the competition by bagging a 35% market share of the total sales. While the team are clear leaders in the regions, their reach in 2022 extended further, with record-breaking sales also made in Willow Vale, Maudsland, Jacobs Well, Ormeau, and even as far as Yarrabilba.

The Ray White Catanzariti Family Group’s reach is undoubtedly facilitated by their leading the way in the industries the newest and most tech-advanced phenomenons—online auctions. 2022 saw The Group perform over 300 online auctions, providing an unprecedented number of buyers and sellers within the one virtual space, and culminating in unparalleled sale prices.

See all the action at one of 2022’s Ray White Catanzariti Family Group’s online auctions here:

But it wasn’t all sales, sales, sales in 2022 with the Group experiencing tremendous growth and success in its property management division too. Already with a large rent roll under its wings, the final quarter saw The Ray white Catanzariti Family Group merge with Jean Brown Properties; a merger that resulted in the team becoming one of the largest providers of property management services on the northern Gold Caost.

‘Looking forward, our vision is to completely reinvent the concept of property management.’ Peter Catanzariti, Director of The Group.

In a 2022 rental market laden with trepidation and ambiguity, the Property Management team at Ray White Catanzariti Family Group gently and successfully guided investors and tenants through the year with expert knowledge and smiles, racking up countless favourable reviews along the way.

2022 was a year that was marked by goals, training, and development for The Group too. Director, Peter Catanzariti is a true advocate for training and support, and attributes the success of his business to it. The year saw staff frequently setting goals and attending countless training seminars and also being rewarded at the Group’s quarterly award ceremonys.

See all the action at on of the Group’s Quarterly Awards here: http://

Looking forward, the training and support for the team are expected to amp-up, especially as they head into ‘Goals Week’ at the end of January which will see Peter conduct one-on-one meetings and training sessions with all 90 of his team members.

‘I encourage my members to set goals; it is then my job provide the support and the training that they need so that they can achieve them’

The final element to an amazing year for the Ray White Catanzariti Family Group was their presence in, and their contribution to the community that they serve. Whilst the list of contributions is certainly sizable, two of the standout events are indeed worth a recap. Easter saw The Group bring together the community in Ormeau with an Easter street-party. Director, Peter Catanzariti came as the bunny himself, bringing smiles to the faces of local children and families who enjoyed easter eggs and shared the holiday cheer.

June saw the Group’s sponsorship of the newly established Pimpama City Football Club. The grand opening saw the Ray White team, the local community, and football players alike, come together to celebrate a wonderful day for the region of Pimpama and a big step forward for its community. See all the action at the grand opening here: http://

Group Director, Peter Catanzariti wrapped up 2022 with a message to his team, and the community on the Northern Gold Coast;

‘From our family to yours, I wish you a happy New Year. 2022 was a truly amazing year, and at Ray White Catanzariti Family Group, we look forward to another year of serving our wonderful northern Gold Coast community, and to helping you achieve your goals.’

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